Senior Portrait Session - $250
Your Session Includes:
One Location of your choice within 10 minutes of Crystal Falls
3 Outfit Changes
This session lasts approximately one hour
50+ Professionally Edited Images
High Resolution Images Available For Download
Online Gallery for Viewing, Sharing and Print Purchases (print purchases NOT required)
You may also bring a friend, sibling, or pet to be in a few photos with you
Tips For A Fantastic Senior Session
Wear clothing that is both comfortable and flattering. I will have you moving into all sorts of poses like the gallery above displays.
Feel free to bring along any props you would like to use. Such as instruments, sports gear, books, and so on. This session is all about who you are in this moment. What makes you, you?!
Ladies, get your hair and makeup done to make your session even more special!
Please show up on time for your session, as I usually try to plan sessions around sunset for really awesome light!